Bringing professionals together to share and learn
In 2016, PPLOG was founded by a group of respiratory specialist nurses, community children nurses, paediatric
nurses and community neonatal nurses. The reason for establishing the group was to address these issues within
home oxygen pathways (hospital to home) 1. No standardisation of practice across London 2. Current national home
assessment forms (IHORM) not paediatric specific 2. Minimal evidence base and minimal guidance – BTS, 2009 3.
Confusion and making complex discharges even more challenging 4. Delayed discharges 5. Variation in education /
advice / follow up of children on home oxygen.
PPLOG has now developed the Discharge Bundle https://www.networks.nhs.uk/nhs-
The publication of the PPLOG discharge bundle has made a huge difference in how home oxygen therapy in children is now being delivered within London. Interestingly, there have been requests in the use of the PPLOG dis-
charge bundle from Manchester, Birmingham, East of England, the South West of England and other areas within
In celebration, PPLOG has been recognised for the hard work and contribution it has made in reducing variation
within neonatal and paediatric services. In 2018, PPLOG was Finalist for Innovation in Primary Care: Healthcare
Transformation Award– NHS England and Finalist Respiratory Nursing: Nursing Times Awards 2018. There has
been various posters and oral presentations both national and international.
It is important to acknowledge that this has been achieved by the dedication and time of the PPLOG members. A
big thank you goes to the PPLOG members for not giving up on their vision to improve service delivery for all the
infants and children discharged from the hospital on home oxygen. Importantly, the PPLOG discharge bundle has reduced a lot of anxiety and stress for health care professionals based on what and how to teach parents/carers to
care and escalate concerns early.
The PPLOG members include Emilie Maughan (Co-Chair), Rebecca Smith (Co-Chair), Abigail Beddow (Secretary),
Tendai Nzirawa (Treasurer), Caroline Lock (Air Liquide), Alison Camden, Sook Lin Yap, Nichola Starkowitz, Ceara
Turner, Samantha Ahern, Tamsyn Hernandez, Billie Coverley, Debbie Roots, Joanna Broderick, Tyree Rawsthorn.
Moving forward …..
In August 2019, PPLOG was very happy to have been awarded RCN Accreditation for all future Paediatric Pan London Oxygen Group Study Days. Therefore, this ensures all our study days are part of CPD credits or used for revalidation.

However, PPLOG and RCN state that the group & organisation cannot confirm the competence of any practitioner. The competence will need to be signed off within your local unit/service by a health professional that has attended our PPLOG study days.
Further information about PPLOG can be found on the RCN website for CYP as a case study https://www.rcn.org.uk/
National survey on initiation and weaning of home oxygen for BPD in neonatal community
Teams from Southampton and Royal United Hospital, Bath, led by Dr Hazel Evans and working closely with Dr Alison Garde (ST4 Paediatrics)
Would like to thank everyone that participated in the monkey survey. The survey aimed to identify key areas for future research based on the initiation and weaning of home oxygen for BPD in the neonatal community. The survey has closed now and we hope to share a snapshot of the results in the future newsletter publications.